The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

20 Weeks

Ohhhhhh we’re halfway there! Yes, I sang that when I typed it. We are officially at the halfway point. Assuming I have a textbook length pregnancy of 40 weeks. Regardless, we’re probably about half way done and that makes me so excited! Not because I want to not be pregnant anymore, it’s not too bad […]

Ohhhhhh we’re halfway there!

Yes, I sang that when I typed it. We are officially at the halfway point. Assuming I have a textbook length pregnancy of 40 weeks. Regardless, we’re probably about half way done and that makes me so excited! Not because I want to not be pregnant anymore, it’s not too bad actually, but because I want to meet this little guy!

This week was pretty calm and very rainy. Which actually, was great because last week was very eventful. I appreciated the low-key time.

Tuesday, I had my 20 week OB appointment. I found out they didn’t get a good angle for part of Baby’s heart, so my doctor scheduled another level 2 ultrasound. This means repeating the full bladder thing [ahhhhh!]. This time we have to go to Tysons. My doctor said they didn’t see any problems from the first level 2 ultrasound, they just didn’t get to see all parts of his heart. So, no worries, just another chance to see our baby. Hopefully, we get one good picture of our Mini Moose.

Thursday was a crazy day! I woke up at 7:48 a.m. to Jimmy asking calmly if I overslept. I did. I start work at 8 a.m. I must have either slept through my alarm or turned it off. I have no idea. Then, during the day, I noticed my baby bump was significantly smaller than two days prior when I took my weekly bump photo. Something I learned about pregnancy: bumps can come and go (for some women in some pregnancies). Strangest thing ever! Also, those are the same pants which clearly fit better after coming out of the dryer.

Photo on right: two days later (full disclosure, it was taken at noon vs 5 p.m. in the other photo, however, bump did not get bigger throughout the day). The difference was more dramatic in-person.

Jimmy went fishing Saturday morning. I decided to check out Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Ross, etc for nursery and Mini Moose things. I was very unsuccessful. Saturday night we went to Kurt & Kate’s to watch the Clemson Louisville game. That was intense! Go Tigers!


How far along? 20 Weeks

How big is baby? This week we can start measuring two ways: head to toe and crown to rump (head to butt). Head to toe baby is 10 inches or the size of a banana. Crown to rump  Mini Moose is 6.5 inches and 10 oz (the size of an artichoke).

Maternity clothes? Yep – loving maternity pants, jeans & leggings. I do wear some normal shirts and still some normal dresses but maternity things usually makes my bump look better

Sleep: pretty good – too good Wednesday night apparently…

Best moment this week: hearing everything looked good on the level 2 ultrasound (although we need to get another done)

Movement: Yep. Baby kicks are the best! Kick away little guy.

Food cravings: apple sauce, chili, fresh fruit

Food Aversions: nothing really

Gender: Baby’s a boy!

Labor Signs: this question is irrelevant until later

Pregnancy Symptoms: acne is finally getting a bit better; sciatic nerve is a pain about once a week; tired, but that could be the rain

Belly Button in or out? In and it seems to have paused in it’s exit campaign, hurrah!

What I miss: the ability to wear all my cute fall clothes

What I am looking forward to: getting another opportunity to see our Baby next week

Upcoming appointments/events: 2nd try level 2 ultrasound 10/6 @ 7:40 am

Weekly Wisdom: Baby kicks are the greatest!

Milestones: Mini Moose is starting to suck his thumb or toe – this is actually pretty complex of a motion if you think about it. Keep learning little guy.

Bump Picture:

I covered the stem of the artichoke holding it like a bouquet. Whoops
