The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

22 Weeks

This week we returned to my usual 2nd trimester bliss šŸ™‚ I knew last week had to be an off week. Besides Jimmy being gone (NYC for a work conference) from Wednesday ā€“ Saturday and a temporary out-of-nowhere sore throat Tuesday, I had a great week! Productive at work. Worked out regularly. Finally cleaned up […]

This week we returned to my usual 2nd trimester bliss šŸ™‚ I knew last week had to be an off week. Besides Jimmy being gone (NYC for a work conference) from Wednesday ā€“ Saturday and a temporary out-of-nowhere sore throat Tuesday, I had a great week! Productive at work. Worked out regularly. Finally cleaned up my closet and put away the last of my non-maternity friendlyĀ clothes. Organized Babyā€™s clothes (that I have thus far). Decorated the nursery a bit. Set up the changing table. Hosted my friend Meredith Thursday night who was up in NOVA training teachers and other impressive education things (clearly I need a refresher on all her job entails). It was so great to see her; Iā€™m still upset over her move to Roanoke that happened probably 2 years ago #Iā€™mAScorpio #GrudgeHolder #ButSeriouslyWeMissYou. I even walked to work Friday (1.5 miles each way #healthy). Overall, solid week!
Delta Children Infant Changing Table with Pad assembly
When youā€™re solo assembling, you have to get creative
Delta Children Infant Changing Table with Pad
Changing table set up (still sorting out the basket organization)

Changing table:Ā Delta Children Infant Changing Table with Pad, WhiteĀ ā€“ seems solid and was easy to assemble. The included pad is very thin; I am using a contoured pad (not the one that came with the table) ā€“ thank you Susan! Note: I will do a nursery tour when itā€™s done and list all furniture/products. And yes, I realize most moms-to-be do not have the nursery basically done at 5.5 months pregnant, but Iā€™ve always been an overachiever. And my Mom went on bed rest at 7 months with my brother so Iā€™m preparing for the worst and expecting the best.Ā 

This weekend was spent with great friends. Friday night, I went to see Girl on the Train with Keli & Jayme. We all loved the book so obviously we had to see the movie. AMC has a kids snack pack that has popcorn, a drink, and fruit snack BUT you can upgrade the fruit snack to a different candy, that was a game changer.

Saturday, I had two of my oldest (time not age) friends over: Sherry and Sassi (or Sarah if you call her by her given name; I do not). It was so great to reconnect with them, show them my house (which used to be one of our other best friendsā€™ house), and hear all about baby boys from these amazing mommies! I canā€™t believe in a few months, weā€™ll all have sons. I literally met these girls when we were 8 years old.


Saturday afternoon, you guessed it, Jimmy and I watched our Hokies play Syracruse. That was sad times. We played terribly and deserved that loss šŸ™

Jimmy got back from NY Saturday evening. Kai and I were so excited to have him home. Especially when Jimmy suggested we go to the dog park. We went to the Glencarlyn Dog Park, which is right next to Kurt & Kateā€™s house so they brought Fitz over to play with Kai. This dog park feels very natural because there are no fences; it has natural boundaries ā€“ a stream and a huge hill.


Sunday evening, we met up with my family at Ledoā€™s pizza in College Park, MD for my cousinā€™s birthday. It was great to see everyone (who was nearby and not in France or OH ā€“ but we did Skype my aunt who is in France, technology is amazing!); I hadnā€™t seen my extended family since I told them I was pregnant at 12 weeks. Needless to say, Iā€™ve grown. Also, the 12 week clearly sick look is funny now ā€“ wasĀ notĀ funny then.
12 weeks vs 22 weeks

My Aunt Julie made the most amazing apple cake with cream cheese frosting ā€“ aka what Iā€™d been craving all.week.long! It was delicious and I ate every single bite of that massive piece below.



How far along?Ā 22 Weeks

How big is baby?Ā The size of a papaya: 11Ā inches and 1 pound

Maternity clothes?Ā Thereā€™s no going back to normal clothes. Ideally, ā€œnormalā€ jeans will just disappear from all fashion forever because maternity is where itā€™s at!

Sleep:Ā woke up at 4 am Wednesday morningĀ STARVING. I had to go downstairs and eat aĀ lot of applesauce. Unfortunately this woke up Jimmy and Kai. I also get up to pee about 5 times a night

Best moment this week:Ā 1) seeing Sherry & Sassi, 2)Ā seeing family 3) Kaiā€™s joy at the dog park

Movement:Ā due to the anterior placenta, I only feel what I call ā€œsuper kicksā€ ā€“ Iā€™m feeling them occasionally. Iā€™m actually thankful for this because Mini Moose has only kept me up once thus far; Iā€™ll take as much sleep as I can until he arrives, thank you very much. I actually felt more movement in the early teen weeks because the placenta was still growing so there wasnā€™t as much padding to muffle his movement. According to every ultrasound, heā€™s very active, I just canā€™t feel it. Soon enough, heā€™ll be so big and strong, heā€™ll power through that padding.

Food cravings: all the apple things: applesauce, apple muffins, apple bread, apple cider, especially apple cupcakes

Food Aversions: nothing really

Gender: Babyā€™s a boy!

Labor Signs:Ā this question is irrelevant until later

Pregnancy Symptoms:Ā acne is finally better; sore throat Tuesday;

Belly Button in or out?Ā In butĀ it has resumed the exit campaign.

What I miss: Nothing

What I am looking forward to: baby shower in a couple weeks

Upcoming appointments/events: 6 month prenatal 10/25

Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy other peopleā€™s excitement over your pregnancy.

Milestones: Babyā€™s inner ear is developing so hearing and balance are being fine-tuned

Bump Picture:

22 weeks pregnant baby papaya seems big
