The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

26 Weeks

I feel like I have so much to do to get ready for Mini Moose, but at the same time, I am impressed with how much I do have done. I keep reading pregnancy blogs online and most women I read about have nothing done for a nursery or really anything done at this point in […]

I feel like I have so much to do to get ready for Mini Moose, but at the same time, I am impressed with how much I do have done. I keep reading pregnancy blogs online and most women I read about have nothing done for a nursery or really anything done at this point in the game; I am not wired that way.

Jimmy and I were joking the other day, besides a car seat (my in-laws so generously offered to get us the car seat/stroller combo we wanted), we could bring baby home tomorrow and be looking good. In fact, we could borrow a car seat from our friends Ted & Lauren (they got an infant one and then a bigger one for their son) if we needed to, so Baby would have everything we need to survive the beginning. Obviously we want him to stay put for a few more months, but I function better when things are done with plenty of time to spare.

Some of the below we got from my baby shower, some from friends/co-workers, and we are going to have another baby shower (everyone has been so sweet to us!) but I’ve had the mindset that this is our baby, so we need to be responsible for the majority of the purchases. I’ve also found people like to give the fun and cute things at showers, like clothes & books, so I’ve bought most of the below. I’m trying my hardest to buy most things used – Craigslist, consignment shops & – or on sale, so we can keep everything as budget friendly as possible.

To-Do List:

☑ crib – (got on Craigslist)
☑ changing table – (Amazon – used points & a gift card)
☑ pick name
☑ move office downstairs
☐ choose glider
☑ choose stroller
☑ choose car seat
☑ baby monitor
☑ nursery art
☐ hang nursery art
☑ black out curtains
☑ changing table organization
☑ closet organization
☑ dresser organization
☑ diaper pail
☐ jogging stroller (Craigslist)
☐ baby carrier (probably Craigslist)
☐ white noise maker
☐ high chair (maybe Craigslist)
☑ assemble swing
☑ pre-register at hospital
☐ lightweight stroller (Craigslist)
☑ get flu shot
☐ choose daycare provider
☑ choose pediatrician
☐ insulate attic – Kurt & Jimmy to-do
☑ baby clothes – hats, mittens, socks, onesies, footed PJs, sacs, pants, swim suit, church clothes, Hokie game day attire, bow tie, tops, vests, jackets, shoes – I know we’ll need more as he grows, but we have a good base of a variety of sizes
☑ diapers
☑ wipes
☑ swaddle blankets & sacs
☑ pacifiers
☑ healthcare & grooming set
☑ blankets
☑ breastfeeding pillow & supplies
☑ warm coveralls
☐ bottles (although I have one that came with my Amazon registry welcome kit)
☑ breast pump
☐ diaper bag
☑ changing waterproof blankets – for when he’s too big to change on the changing table, or when I want to change him somewhere else – got from Ikea
☑ baby lotion, baby wash, diaper cream
☑ adorable blue whale to protect him from the bath faucet
☑ salt lamp
☑ baby bathtub
☑ deep dive into financials & decide on working/daycare
☑ decide on new car
☐ buy “new” car – mine has over 100k miles, doesn’t have side airbags or bluetooth, so for the general safety of Baby and me (and because we want a bigger car), we’re getting a used Chevy Traverse.
☑ waterproof crib mattress protectors
☑ crib sheets
☑ pack and play
☐ start college savings plan

Clearly based on the above list, I plan on breastfeeding. My goal is to breastfeed 6 months. Might do longer, but for me, this is a good starting goal. I know sometimes things happen that could prevent this, but I will try my hardest to stick to this plan. I also know how incredibly difficult this is going to be when I return to work. I bought Work. Pump. Repeat. to help make that process as easy as possible.

Again, I know I am ahead of the game for most pregnancies. Not trying to make anyone feel behind, I am just a dive in and get it done in advance person. Also, I was born at 37 weeks and my brother was born at 31 weeks (my mom was also on bed rest with my brother before he was born). So, I knew I wanted to prepare for the worst, but expect the best. I fully expect a normal to my due date pregnancy, but if something else happens, I want to know I’m prepared. Hence the above list being basically done. I mean, in 11 weeks, my parents had me. 11 weeks seems like no time at all from now.

This week feels like it lasted forever. Maybe because we didn’t sleep Tuesday night – see sleep below. Friday evening we went to Texas Jack’s Barbeque to celebrate Kurt’s 27th birthday. Happy almost birthday Kurt! Saturday morning Jimmy went hunting and I went to HomeGoods, Ross & Marshalls to get some last things for the nursery. Sunday was spent attempting to nap – I have not been sleeping well – and failing. Sunday evening Jimmy’s friend Justin came over and Jimmy made a jumbalaya. It was good, but it’s one of those boundary pushing meals I do much better with a glass of wine for bravery, so I had a little bit of that and some cereal.


How far along? 26 Weeks

How big is baby? 14″ and 1.7 lbs – the size of a coconut (that seems too small), a green onion, or a head of lettuce (seems too big).

Maternity clothes? Absolutely. I think if I get just a few more sweaters, I’ll have my collection complete.

Sleep: Slept amazing Sunday night! Got maybe 4 hours of sleep Tuesday night – no matter if the candidate I voted for wins or loses, I absolutely love watching the election results come in. I treat it like a sporting event. “That state flipped!!” and “They’re calling Ohio! Here we go Ohio!” It’s basically a horse race in my house. I tried to go to bed, but I couldn’t sleep. I do this every single time. Then I slept terribly the rest of the week, so I made the jump over to Baby’s room and slept there Sunday night.

Best moment this week: Kurt’s birthday dinner

Movement: Yep! I have an active little guy. He does all sorts of kicks and flips and wiggles. We have yet to get the timing perfect so Jimmy can feel a “super kick” – currently he can’t feel the kicks from the outside – I thought he could because I thought I could, but we determined I can “feel from the outside” because I can feel from the inside.

Food Cravings: cereal

Food Aversions: again, most foods sound unappealing

Gender: Baby’s a boy!
it's a boy confetti

Labor Signs: this question is irrelevant until later

Pregnancy Symptoms: it was a good week

Belly Button in or out? In but it is bigger… and hurts

What I miss: working out. Like killing it at the gym feeling.

What I am looking forward to: holding my little guy. I just want to snuggle with him on the couch with a fire. That sounds like heaven right there.

Upcoming appointments/events: 11/11 dental cleaning (it is very important to get a cleaning during pregnancy to prevent gum issues) my 30th birthday 11/20, 7 month OB & glucose screening 11/30

Weekly Wisdom: no wisdom this week

Milestones: I can no longer see my feet when I look straight down. Baby is practicing breathing. He is literally breathing amniotic fluid to get his lungs ready for air on the outside.

Bump Picture:

26 weeks pregnant
daylight savings time messed with my lighting this week


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