9 months
Weight: 22 lbs
Length: 30.5″
Size: 18 months
Eyes: blue
Hair: dirty blonde
Sleeping: he typically sleeps from 7 pm to 5 am. Wakes to chug a bottle. Then back to sleep until 7 am.
Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of solid fruits, proteins, whatever we’re eating
Milestones: he did all the milestones last month
Memorable outings: Apple picking
Likes: ALL THE FOOD! Seriously this kid wants real food
Dislikes: staying still, getting his diaper changed, changing clothes
Words/sounds: “dada,” “ahhh” “ohhh,” “mama”
Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Snickerdoodle”
Interesting Facts: B had his first “play date” with baby C (my friend Laura’s newborn). He’s about 3 times her size. He loves to hold onto the “handles” on his walker and FLY!
Funny moments: Bennett has some good dance moves!
Looking forward to: first thanksgiving
Photos This Month:
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