Ahh where did my baby go????? It doesn’t help that he looks like a toddler…
My little man is almost one! I seriously cannot believe it. It feels like I blinked and then here we are, at a year. Don’t get me wrong, there were many times I doubted I’d survive (those first three months are ROUGH), but being Bennett’s mama is amazing!
11 months
Weight: 25 lbs
Length: really tall (whoops)
Size: 18 months
Eyes: blue
Hair: dirty blonde
Sleeping: he typically sleeps through the night (HALLELUJAH, THANK YOU LORD!!!) sometimes he wakes for a bottle about an hour after going to bed.
Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of solid fruits, proteins, whatever we’re eating
Milestones: He has five teeth! Of course he won’t let me see the three on the top. Snickerdoodle. He was sick for the first time. He had a slight fever and a really runny nose for 12 hours. After he sneezed into my mouth and onto Gigi’s face, I was sick for 2.5 weeks and Gigi had to go to urgent care. I’m SO thankful Bennett has his Dad’s immune system.
First Christmas
Memorable outings: Meeting Santa
Likes: ALL THE FOOD! His favorite foods: blueberries, carrots, pears. Smiling
Bath time. Jimmy discovered Bennett likes when you put his tub close to the faucet and leave the water running. Apparently it’s like a water park that way.
Dislikes: staying still, getting his diaper changed, changing clothes, anyone looking at his teeth
Words/sounds: “dada,” “ahhh” “ohhh,” “mama,” “mom”
Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Snickerdoodle,” “Mister Mister”
Funny moments:
Looking forward to: first birthday! I am planning and preparing like crazy!!!!
Photos This Month:
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