The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

Six Weeks Round Two

If I thought last week was a whirlwind, this week clearly said “hold my beer.” On Tuesday, a house came on the market. We knew of this house. It was previously a “For Sale by Owner” but only on one website. Jimmy found it, did a drive-by last weekend, said we should see it. BUT, […]

If I thought last week was a whirlwind, this week clearly said “hold my beer.” On Tuesday, a house came on the market. We knew of this house. It was previously a “For Sale by Owner” but only on one website. Jimmy found it, did a drive-by last weekend, said we should see it. BUT, they didn’t have a for sale sign in their front yard, so I said hold off. Well, I guess they were transitioning from FISBO to agent listed that week because that Tuesday, it was live. I immediately emailed our realtor. I’m going out of town this weekend and wanted to see if we could see it on a weekday. We ended up going Tuesday night. Saw the house. Loved the house. Put in an offer that night. Praise the LORD, it was accepted! We’re under contact! This is the third house we’ve put an offer on, but definitely the one we like the best. I’ll do a house post. So, we’ve been doing all the house buying things, dropping off checks, calls with our lender, signing documents, etc.

Other than the house excitement, this week’s been pretty normal. I’m heading to VA this weekend for my friend Keli’s baby shower. I feel like all I do is packing, cleaning out the car from my last trip, laundry, and unpacking from last trip.


How far along? 6 Weeks

How big is baby? The size of a pea

Total weight gain/loss: +1 from last week so -2 total (if I didn’t gain weight post lake weekend, I would’ve been SHOCKED, give me all the food and snacks)

Maternity clothes? I am already to the “you look like you’ve had a few too many tacos” and my normal clothes are not nearly as flattering as they used to be #secondpregnancy

Sleep: Still tired. I like the 8 pm bedtime. But I can’t sleep. I’m up like 4 times a night. I could sleep all day and stay up all night. Apparently that’s the progesterone.

Best moment this week: Seeing my friends for Keli’s baby shower/staying with Kurt & Kate

Movement: I think I’d be alarmed if I did feel anything

Food cravings: Not really, but I do love some bread right now. Just bread with a bit of butter or just plain.

Food Aversions: Chicken and salads. I’m praying this isn’t the start of a mac & cheese and buttered noddles only diet like with Bennett…

Gender: I cannot wait to find this out.

Labor Signs: N/A

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I am tired and have waves of nausea but it wasn’t too bad. Until it was BAD. Y’all, I threw up while driving down 95. I was in the left lane and started feeling REAL bad. I knew I needed to exit or pull over immediately. I quickly hoped over two lanes. Traffic was slow. I look for an exit. There are none near. Things take a turn for the worse. I think “Keli threw up driving to work every day. If she can do it, I can do this.” I grabbed my McDonald’s breakfast bag. And literally threw up while driving. It was both the most disgusting and the funniest thing ever.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Not feeling like I’m dying. I feel like I have the flu and a cold and cannot sleep to save my life.

What I am looking forward to: One more week until our first OB appointment!

Upcoming appointments/events:  First appointment is July 8 – time go quicker!!!

Weekly Wisdom: Buy vomit bags for your car. You’ll never know you need them, until you NEED THEM

Milestones: None.
