The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

30 Weeks Round 2

Well, I certainly fail at blogging this pregnancy. It’s mainly because the only time I’m on my computer anymore are the two hours a day I work during nap/quiet time. And that time is CRANK OUT WORK time because I like to be productive and I am so thankful my work let me continue remotely […]

Well, I certainly fail at blogging this pregnancy. It’s mainly because the only time I’m on my computer anymore are the two hours a day I work during nap/quiet time. And that time is CRANK OUT WORK time because I like to be productive and I am so thankful my work let me continue remotely part-time. So, jumping back into this in the evening hours.

Quick recap since my last post:

  • Bennett was a ghost for Halloween. Every time I asked what he wanted to be for months, he replied “a ghost!” So, ghost it was. But, a cute ghost. I made his poncho out of fleece and felt. I bought a hat on Amazon a couple months early and “put it somewhere safe so he wouldn’t destroy it or lose it.” So naturally, I couldn’t find it. Which led me to run to the fabric store and make the hat Halloween morning.

We were so excited for our first Halloween in our new house. We heard our neighbors go all out for Halloween with a fire pit at the end of our culdesac, grilling, sitting in bag chairs and hanging out. It was going to be amazing to get to know everyone. And then it poured rain all day. And then there was a tornado warning. So, we had about 20 minutes to run around trick-or-treating during a break in the thunderstorms. Needless to say, our neighborhood block party did not happen.

  • I turned 33. I always have to stop and think about my age because I honestly forget. We celebrated by going on a date night at Port City which is right on Lake Norman and beautiful! It was so nice to go out to eat and spend a date together.
  • Bennett took his first school pictures. He looked so grown up!
  • We went to Jimmy’s parents for Thanksgiving. It was the first time that whole side of the family was together in years; Jimmy’s sister Jenny had been in the Middle East with the Army Corps of Engineers.

Now that we’re a bit caught up, here’s a more recent update:

My pregnancy weeks start on Wednesday, it’s harder for me to blog Wednesday to Wednesday mentally, but I will work on it. Aka, I’m going to blog again because I love going back and reading old posts.

Wednesday morning I took B to get his hair cut. He loves getting his hair cut. I think he’ll be one of those boyfriends who supports spa dates and doesn’t oppose a pedicure. Or maybe he’ll just go with me forever 🙂 haha. We got him looking good because we were then heading to the mall to get pictures with Santa!

I chose a lunchtime time slot and Jimmy was able to meet us there. It was so nice to have a family mid-day meetup!

Bennett and Dada

This week was also fantastic because Sarah came to visit! She had to go to DC for work for a bit and offered to fly down to see me. She’s the best. It’d been almost a year since we’d seen each other. I missed her so much!


How far along? 30 Weeks = 75+% done

How big is baby? 15.7″ & 3 lbs; the size of a cabbage

Weight gain: +18 lbs – this pregnancy was, anything and everything you eat will make you sick the first 4 months. Since then, I’ll get sick if I miss a dose of the anti-nausea vitamin combo, but I can eat all my normal healthy foods. With B, I could only eat cheesy carbs and sweets. So, I was +25 lbs at this stage with Bennett

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I can fit into some normal mediums and some of my pre-pregnancy joggers

Sleep: I wake up usually 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. I also am having pregnancy insomnia

Best moment this week: seeing Sarah!

Movement: she moves all the time

Food Cravings: organic Golden Delicious apples

Food Aversions: none

GenderBaby’s a girl!

Labor Signs: nope. Stay cooking girlfriend. I am having labor dreams a lot though. And nightmares that something is wrong/I go into pre-term labor/she’s born with deformities or health issues. Sleeping isn’t always my friend.

Pregnancy Symptoms: 1) all the emotions all over the place. I’m not having mood swings so much as I am feeling blah when I’m usually super excited this time of the year. Also, I cry at sentimental things and sad things. On the plus side, I’m cherishing moments with Benny and Jimmy more. Aka, I’m sappier. 2) R2 is a mover! Any time I am sitting still or lying down, she kicks, wiggles, pushes off my ribs, basically all the movement all the time.

Belly Button in or out? out

What I miss: feeling emotionally stable – hormones are killing me

What I am looking forward to: 1) Christmas! – my family is coming to stay with us 2) Jimmy’s birthday

Upcoming appointments/events: 12/17 OB – we’re in the bi-weekly appointments now

Weekly Wisdom: Power through the first trimester, enjoy the second, and countdown the third.

Milestones: 75% done, or more if she makes an early appearance like Bennett did

Bump Picture:

30 weeks pregnant
30 weeks pregnant aka our Christmas card photo