The Racine Family

Home, Family, & Hokies

31 Weeks Round 2

This week’s been nonstop Christmas prep. Sunday we have Kurt, Kate, Charlie, Fitz, my mom, my dad, and Lizzy coming in town. That whole crew leaves December 26. Then Jimmy’s parents and their dog get here for a few days. And then finally, Morgan comes for a couple days. There may or may not be […]

This week’s been nonstop Christmas prep. Sunday we have Kurt, Kate, Charlie, Fitz, my mom, my dad, and Lizzy coming in town. That whole crew leaves December 26. Then Jimmy’s parents and their dog get here for a few days. And then finally, Morgan comes for a couple days. There may or may not be overlap in visits, it’s unclear. Regardless, I have a lot of cleaning, shopping, and meal planning to accomplish.

Friday was Jimmy’s 35th birthday. He’s not big on celebrating birthdays. I believe he’s said “it’s not like you’ve accomplished anything, you were just born,” but I think he’s coming around. We kept it low-key. Jimmy worked, then came home for cheese steaks, fries, cupcakes, and gifts.

Saturday after a full day of cleaning and prepping. We headed to Lake Norman for a Christmas light boat parade with friends. I’m hoping to make this a yearly tradition.

2019 Lake Norman Christmas Boat Parade

On Sunday, my whole family arrived – Kurt, Kate, baby Charlotte, Fitz (dog), my mom, my dad, and their dog Lizzy. Unfortunately the weather was pretty crummy Sunday and Monday. But Christmas Eve, it was beautiful! So, in between the various kid naps, we headed to Lake Norman to walk and play.

Lake Norman Christmas Eve 2019

After lake time, it was nap for both kids. Then, both babes were still asleep, so Christmas Eve mass turned into just Jimmy, my mom, and me going. Which, honestly, was for the best. We went to the Catholic high school and it was packed! Seriously, they reached capacity so people were standing in the lobby to listen. We thankfully got there early and got seats, I’m sure being largely pregnant might have helped our cause.

After mass, we headed home for a pizza dinner. Baby Charlotte was a bit cranky – traveling with a baby is so hard, so I got a turn quieting her. In the best part of my day, I sang her to sleep with Christmas carols. Then, we quickly put out gingerbread cookies for Santa before Bennett’s bedtime.

After the little ones were in bed, we continued our yearly tradition and watched Chevy Chase’s Christmas Vacation. We made the mistake of starting this at 8 pm so we didn’t get to finish it. Everyone was exhausted.


How far along? 31 Weeks

How big is baby?  16″ & 3.33 lbs; the size of a coconut

Weight gain: +20-22 lbs depending on the amount of salt I ate the day before

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I can fit into some normal mediums and some of my pre-pregnancy joggers

Sleep: I wake up usually 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. I also am having pregnancy insomnia

Best moment this week: 1) family coming in town, 2) Christmas boat parade

Movement: this girl likes to kick my ribs and run her elbow or knee across my uterus which frankly hurts a lot.

Food Cravings: organic Golden Delicious apples, double chocolate magnum ice cream bars, and tortilla chips

Food Aversions: none

GenderBaby’s a girl!

Labor Signs: nope. Stay cooking girlfriend. I am having pre-term labor dreams a lot though

Pregnancy Symptoms: 1) hot flashes 2) a cold that won’t go away because of this weakened immune system and 3) this bump is getting in the way. I frequently run into Bennett’s head, things at the grocery store, door frames., etc which leads to 4) back pain. My back hurts pretty much all the time. Worse at the end of the day, but by lunch, it’s hurting.

Belly Button in or out? out

What I miss: breathing without congestion and sleeping off a cold with Nyquil, seriously, one good night of Nyquil sleep and I would be over this thing

What I am looking forward to: 1) Christmas! – my family is coming to stay with us

Upcoming appointments/events: 12/30 OB – we’re in the bi-weekly appointments now

Weekly Wisdom: It’s the most wonderful time of the year, except if you’re getting to that uncomfortable stage too early

Milestones: 75% done, or more if she makes an early appearance like Bennett did

Bump Photo:

31 Weeks Pregnant Christmas Eve