Claire is starting to get a personality. She is very relaxed and likes to observe, but, she will let you know if she needs a nap, a bottle, or something to play. She does not like the heat, naturally, so we spend a lot of time sitting in the garage with a fan watching Bennett play with all the neighborhood kids in our driveway and backyard.
This month, Claire:
- discovered her feet – adorable!
- learned to sit up
- started using her activity jumper
- started “cruising” in her walker – her favorite activity
- “ate” her first “solid food” = black chalk
Story time for the last bullet point. One evening, I was making dinner, Bennett was playing in his playroom, Claire was cruising around in her walker. I go in to the playroom to check on the kids. I immediately see Claire’s face is black. I run over to her and see the tell-tale chipmunk cheeks. So, I quickly sidesweep her mouth to discover a piece of black chalk. I immediately take it away. Which, Claire did not like! She started bawling. Not how I pictured her first food…
Monthly Questionnaire
Age: 6 months
Weight: 18.6 lbs
Length: 27″
Size: 9 months for everything
Eyes: blue
Hair: brunette
Sleeping: She sleeps from 7 pm to 6:30 am in her crib with a dream feed from Mama at 10 pm. She still sleeps in her Magic Merlin Sleep Suit.
Eating: she is 100% formula fed now. She eats 4 oz at a time about 10 times a day. Her pediatrician recommended we hold off on starting solids since she’s growing “like a champ” aka she’s a chunky monkey hahaha. Unless she shows interested in solid foods, we’re going to wait until next month.
Milestones: Can sit up independently
Memorable outings: the driveway. Seriously, this girl has only been in four houses (ours included) and the pediatrician’s office. Not a single store, not a playground, nothing. COVID-19, I despise you!
Likes: eating, bubble baths, her brother, her mama, sleeping
Dislikes: the heat, being told no, being awake too long
Words/sounds: she squawks
Nicknames: “Chickaletta,” “Claire Bear,” “Sweet Thing,” “Claireaboo,” “Ginger Snap”
Interesting Facts: black chalk. See above.
Funny moments: the black chalk. See above.
Looking forward to: first word