The Racine Family

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Category: Weekly Questionnaire

This week we returned to my usual 2nd trimester bliss šŸ™‚ I knew last week had to be an off week. Besides Jimmy being gone (NYC for a work conference) from Wednesday ā€“ Saturday and a temporary out-of-nowhere sore throat Tuesday, I had a great week! Productive at work. Worked out regularly. Finally cleaned up […]

Ohhhhhh weā€™re halfway there! Yes, I sang that when I typed it. We are officially at the halfway point. Assuming I have a textbook length pregnancy of 40 weeks. Regardless, weā€™re probably about half way done and that makes me so excited! Not because I want to not be pregnant anymore, itā€™s not too bad […]

This week was so exciting! We started off Monday morning with a two hour ultrasound. I was so excited about this, I probably slept four hours Sunday night. It didnā€™t help that I was specifically instructed to have a full bladder for the appointment so I decided I wouldnā€™t pee after 5 am to make […]

This week was another slow one.Ā I got a flu shot [how exciting!]. Jimmy and I had an at-home surf & turf date night with homemade caught crab cakes (DadĀ caught, Jimmy picked & made), steaks, rice & asparagus. I worked out a total of threeĀ times ā€“ proud of that. Including one 1.5 mile run Saturday morning […]